6 min. Read

What Otsuka bid for Proteus. Important DTx study begins.

Issue 059.

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Digital health research from Brian Dolan.

Welcome to E&O.

Last week I wrote about a secret JNJ acquisition and wondered if the VA confirmed that Google/Nest health project I wrote about last year. Next week I am open to ideas -- what should E&O dig into? Here's what's happening this week:

  • The 4th of July holiday is coming up this weekend in the USA, so E&O is coming at you a bit earlier in the week.
  • The FDA's digital health team is on a hiring spree. Is this prep for Pre-Cert? More here.
  • Still thinking about Apple adding sleep tracking to the Watch. I think it is a fair bet that Apple moves deeper into sleep health, into quasi-diagnostic territory as they did with AFib. First, their heart rate sensor was just for exercising, remember. I could see their sleep efforts evolving quickly and moving into FDA-regulated territory for a huge,

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Are the Digital Mental Health Treatment G Codes necessary? Or RTM dupes?
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Better Therapeutics shuts down. Mahana-Cara Care
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HCPCS and CPT decisions. Akili results. Click trials
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De Novo: Samsung Galaxy Watch gets OTC sleep apnea detection
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Facebook’s RCT for AI bot Zenny. More trials
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FDA de novo for Google smartphone thermometer.
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PDT-to-virtual-clinic trend continues. HCPCS tweaks.
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Mahana Tinnitus. New CPT hopefuls. Better cuts salaries
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CMS weighs HCPCS for Natural Cycles, Leva, and Tyto. Plus: Akili Q3 results.
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metaMe Health seeks buyer by year-end. CMS offers up digital therapeutics nothingburger
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