5 min. Read

Scoop: Stealthy OSA acquisition. Fake DTx unicorn?

Issue 025.

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  • What long-form reports would you like to see in the coming months? I'm here to serve, friends, so submit your requests by hitting reply to this email. I've heard from other readers already, but why not you?
  • AliveCor quietly raised just shy of $6 million.
  • Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker offered up a new healthcare proposal that aims to prioritize preventative care, early intervention, and managing chronic conditions before patients end up in the ER. Read the one-pager here.
  • Amazon acquired a digital health startup named Health Navigator. This company reminded me of iTriage, which Aetna acquired years ago before shutting it down in 2018. As it happens, both HN and iTriage were founded by ER

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